Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Oh yee of little faith, Foro. Though you did in fact, pick a team that requires a lot of faith, and stole my own selection in the process. Well, the Bless You Boys thank you, I don't but they do.

My pick is Minny -3. Like all good minis, mini-skirts in particular, this mini will be off in no time. Farve is going to stick it to Green Bay like Michael Vick putting down one of his dogs. Actually, Farve might feel the tiniest, mini-iest bit of remorse.

I've gone ofer this year and I almost hope my streak continues. There is no ccline on this blog and as clever as it could be, it's not quite there without it. Otherwise this is just a bad sports gambling site. So while my mini-reverse heater continues nobody is taking special notice to pick against me.

Speaking of idiot quarterbacks... Aaron Rogers... I haven't seen a guy look more like a deer in headlights not named Eli Manning under an NFL center (willingly) in years, maybe since Spurrier was throwing his UF alums to the Defense Linemen of the NFL.

Talking football Auburn should be ranked next week. Thought they had too much talent to be as bad as they were last year... and they did. Their head coach should get little or none of the credit, their offensive co-ordinator is crazy good (read Stewart Mandel on but they are thin. They might upset one of the big boys in the SEC West though.

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