Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm taking Miami +2.5

The Dolphins have some sort of Tony Saprano thing going. The Just End The Season J.E.T.S, Jets, Jets, Jets are from Jersey. So this is like a Mob War. BTW, is there anything more annoying on facebook then these constant Mob War updates showing up every day on your page from a guy you barely remember from high-school?

Some of you don't know what facebook is so won't catch that reference, for those of you still living in the Newspaper age, explore the internet it's not just for porn and fantasy football (whatever happenend to our league anyway?). Back to the game, Bill Parcells retired to Miami and decided to start running a Wildcat offense. LT watched a dolphins game and hasn't been this confused by Parcells since he pulled a scrooge mcduck in a pool filled with white nose dust.

You think Billy Parcells, the big Tuna, is sitting in his office in Miami enjoying the fact his team runs the WILDCAT? No, he's like Rory's friends 10 years ago after Rory has strapped on a buzz to his 175 pound frame and started to get frisky with a Korean Bowling team in the alley next to 3rd Edition, just making a squeamish face, thinking this is going to get ugly and is that guy really with us?

Okay for a more recent reference how about Rory less than a year ago talking smack to the two dudes in wifebeaters with the vacant gaze of meth-heads fresh from their bathroom lab. Did Parcells really hire that guy? Guess if you can't pass it start three running backs, that's gambling right? Still, I'm not a beliver in the Jets. It's monday night, the dolphins run wild and win in a squeaker 13-10.

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