Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Holidays Edition of the 5 Teamer Update

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Bon Chance.

This year we have a guy far in front of the pack and one way in back of it.

Gerztoff, who has yet to pay, (incidentally, if I were to rule out everybody that hasn't paid, I'd be solely in first. It's something I am considering doing even as I type this, less for the winning and more for the shitfit it would stir) is in first place with a whopping 62 wins. The pack is bunched behind him with Rory at 56, Eric at 55 tied with me, Perry, Big Daddy (nice showing in your first year), and Melissa at 54. The laggards are John Price, my wife, and Martin Tyson. The roadkill that's been left for dead is Geoff Roswick. He stands 17 games behind Gerztoff.

When I was updating the spreadsheet it's not a good sign if I haven't done it for a few weeks and I'm only adding one to the win total. Two of Geoff's teams fell into that category. Ugh.

Martin Tyson's pairing of Duke-Marist is still taking shape. Combined the two teams have 17 wins (14 for Duke and 3 for Marist). They cost him 36 wins (35 for Duke and 1 for Marist). People are talking about Duke going undefeated... I don't think they are quite that good but who knows. You could probably make a case for Marist going defeated from here on out (they won't but they'll probably won't break double digits either).

A good comparison would be to match Tyson's pair with say Big Daddy's Arizona and UNC (16 and 20 wins last year) and track them. At this point, UNC (12) and Arizona (10) have 22 wins combined. So, Martin's only five games behind with his gambit. Postseason will either pay him off or bite him in the butt if Duke can ride their way to another conference tournament and national championship. This may be the only year, taking a 35 win team works, as it is possible Duke could go undefeated and gets (?) 40 wins. Let's say Marist creeps up to 10, that would give Martin 50 wins for two teams, +7 for each.

Still, he's got a mountain to overcome as Gerztoff is 12 wins ahead of him. That's tough to make up. To be critical of Gerztoff slate, besides Pittsburgh, he doesn't seem to have too many teams that look like they'll be good for more than two wins in the Big Dance. Georgia, was a front loaded selection, in my opinion. They'll have Kentucky and Florida twice in a loaded SEC.

Georgia is three wins short of their total from last year. They'd be third fastest (and baring 1 win Marist, second fastest) to that total if they don't slow down too much. American should beat them there as they won 11 last year and are at 10. Congrats to Geoff Roswick for that. If the Patriot League is soft, he could recover. I think he was banking on conference play with American, Webber State, and Cal SB so let's see if he can make it respectable.

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